The rendering of religious, cultural and historical heritage into public property, the development of a Jewish collection and exhibition hall

Dr. Manó Hasenfeld

Dr. Manó Hasenfeld (1836-1905)

university private lecturer, physician, surgeon, obstetrician, balneologist. He was born in Balassagyarmat in 1836, died at Budapest on 9. February 1905.

He graduated as medical doctor in the University of Vienna in 1860.  He was awarded the title of Private Lecturer (Privatdozent) by the University of Pest in 1863, but the Chancellary denied to corfirm his habilitation.  After that he moved to Vienna, where he became Private Lecturer in Balneology,  thereafter University of Pest has confirmed his degree.  He worked as a balneologist (spa doctor) in Szliács (today Sliač, Slovakia), and later in Franzensbad.  He published many papers about balneotherapy in Hungarian, German and French.  He was correspondent member of the Society of Medical Hydrology of Paris (Societe D'Hydrologie Medicale De Paris), The Medical Society of London and the Society of Gynecology.

„...Providence provided no other country of the world  with so noteworthy and fine mineral waters both in quality and quantity than Hungary" - he wrote in 1892

His articles was published in Orvosi Hetilap (Hungarian Medical Weekly) in Gyógyászat (Medical Therapy), Gyógyszerészi Hetilap (Pharmacist Weekly), Math. és Term. Közlemények (Publications of Mathematics and Nature),  Magyar Természettudományi Társulat Közlönye (Gazette of the Hungarian Nature History Society), Magyar orvosok és term. vizsgálók Munkálatai (Works of Hungarian physicians and nature researchers), and in  Annales d'Hydrologieban (Annals of Hydrology).


His main works:

  • Sliac. Bericht über die Saison (Report on the season) 1860. Vienna, 1860. (Special print from Wiener-Medicinal-Halle.)
  • Medical review on the season of 1860 in Sliac, in conjunction with a brief description of the bath-institution. Pest, 1861. (Presented in the meeting of the Medical Society of Budapest on  4. February 1861.)
  • Physiologic and medical impact of ferruginous thermal waters of Sliac . Pest, 1862. (Special print from Medical Weekly)
  • Eaux ferrugineuses thermales de Szliács (en Hongrie). (Ferruginous thermal water of Szliács, Hungary) Paris, 1862. (2nd. ed. Paris, 1878.)
  • Thermal springs of  Koritnicza.  Their physiological and medical impact. Pest, 1862. (Special print from Medical Weekly)
  • The properties of mineral waters in general. Pest, 1863. (Inaugural in the medical society of Budapest 20. December 1862.) Pest, 1863. (Special print from Medical Weekly)
  • About the dynamics of mineral springs. Presented at the meeting of the Royal Hungarian Nature History Society on 11. December . Pest, 1863. (Special print from the Pharmacist Weekly).
  • About the impact of carbonic acid gas bath. Medical Therapy, 1863.
  • Therapy of vaginal discharge, Case of a uteral myoma. Medical Weekly, 1863.
  • Eaux minérales de la Hongrie et en particulier eaux minérale jodée de Csiz. (Mineral waters in Hungary and in particular ionide mineral waters of Csíz.) Paris, 1864. (Extract from Annales de la Société d'Hydrologie Medicale de Paris X. k.)
  • Pysiological impact of the Spa in Silac. Medical Weekly, 1864.
  • About the physiological impact of the Spa in Silac by the current views. Works of Hungarian physicians and nature researchers IX. 1864
  • About flexions of the uterus and their therapy with Hodge pessaries. Pest, 1865. (Presented on the meeting of the Royal Hungarian Medical Society of Budapest in January)
  • About the relationship between the chemical quality of mineral waters and the quality of the soil. Medical Weekly. 1865
  • About  the formation of carbonic acid inside the soil. Pharmacist Weekly, 1865.
  •  Chemical analysis of the Joseph Spring in Sliac, Topography of the mineral spring found in Pernek. Publications of Mathematics and Nature III. 1865.
  • About organic components of mineral waters. Medical Weekly, 1866
  • About haematocele behind the uterus. Medical Weekly, 1866
  • Geological conditions of Szliac. Gazette of the Hungarian Nature History Society, 1867.
  • Medical review on the season of 1871 in Sliac. Medical Weekly, 1872.
  • Sliac Spa and Bath next to Zólyom (Zvolen). Its scenic, historical, geological, chemical point of wiew, and its  physiological and medical effects and about other affairs of the health resort. Pest, 1871. (With a landscape and a map . 2nd edition.  Bpest, 1878. In German: Der Curort Szliács... Vienna, 1867., 2nd edition. 1872., 3. k. 1878. Vienna; in French: Budapest, 1878.)
  • Chirurgical findings on the bath season of 1877. Medical Weekly, 1878.
  • About vaginism. Medical Weekly, 1878.
  • Bericht über die Badesaison 1889 im Franzensbad. (Report on the bathing season of 1889 in Franzensbad) Vienna, 1889.
  • Franzensbad dans la Saison 1889. (Franzensbad in the season of 1889) Annales d'Hydrologie, 1889. (presentation in the session of the Société d'Hydrologie Medicale in Paris)
  • Experiences in balneology. Bpest, 1890. (Special print from Medical Therapy)
  • Mineral waters and spas abroad and in Hungary. Budapest, 1892.


His older son, Prof. Dr. Arthur Hasenfeld  (born in Silac on 21. July 1870. - died at Budapest, on 7. January 1941.) internist, cardiologist, professor. He studied medicine abroad, and graduated as a doctor in 1893. He was awarded the title of private lecturer of the pathophysiology and therapy of the heart diseases by the University of Budapest in 1906 . He worked as a consulting doctor and later  head of the Department of Internal Medicine of the Erzsébet Hospital of the Poor in Budapest. He was appointed to be the chief doctor of the Internal Medical Hospitals on the left side of the Danube  in 1913. He became Professor of the University in 1928.

His main work: Therapy of the Diseases of the Heart (1910).



 Manó Hasenfelds younger son, Dr. Oszkár Hasenfeld, balneologist (born. cca 1872) received medical diploma in 1895.



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